In a recent interview, filmmaker Rohit Shetty spoke about why the most popular Bollywood power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are missing from Singham Again. One would assume that Shetty, who has successfully produced and directed high-energy action films, would skip the part where he features the couple in the movie.
Well, Shetty said that there was a lot at stake here. The initial plan was to offer both stars the main characters but Shetty pointed out that their inclusion may disrupt the film’s relationship map.
The characters literally took center stage and their reaction might have made the director feel that their larger-than-life presences masked the film’s narrative and arcs originally planned. Although Shetty did not go into finer print he was clear that they did not want to compromise the seriousness of the ‘Singham’ franchise.
There were rumors about the release of the trailer and many fans of the couple were eagerly waiting for the duo of Ram-Leela and Padmavat. Still, Shetty knows he has a clear vision of Singham Again, and nothing in the picture would be dressed up or ornamented beyond the requirement of the overall story. This explanation has resurrected interest in the film thus people are waiting for the movie to be out.
Risk Behind Not Pairing The Couple
Rohit Shetty said that it was a conscious decision to not cast Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone opposite each other in Singham Again because it may not be good for the plot of the movie. Even though both the actors are renowned top heroes with sheer on-screen intensity, Shetty had expressed his test feeling that it could unsettle the equilibrium of the movie if the two were on-screen together.
He said the two of them are more than capable of leading a movie and carrying most of it, which could divert the focus from the two main characters and the main plot, respectively.
Considering the setting of the ‘Singham’ franchise, what Shetty did not want was for the audience’s attention to be shifted by the big-star casting on-screen partnership. This creative decision points to Shetty’s consistency with the vision of the film-making in general, the story above the star-studded cast.
The way the director works also proves that one has to sustain the fundamentals of the franchise, every detail should point to the story, and the creators should not lose the film’s focus while working on the picture.
Fans Left Curious about DeepVeer
People who like both Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone must have been left in suspense and let down when they heard that the two stars in Singham Again were not two.
As the audiences know the love story of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh has had most of their movies together, and several expected to see the duo also in Rohit Shetty’s action-packed franchise. This particular piece of information stirred discussions on their part and the causes of on-camera estrangement.
Though explained that Shetty made this decision for creative purposes, believing that people coming for their performances and their presence together might mute the narrative of this film. The absence of their pairing has left fans intrigued about how their characters were inserted in this film.
People have always wondered what things will be like when the duo is not together which has only made people anticipate what Shetty has to offer. Still, there is a sense of respect in Shetty’s approach that militates against romanticizing the overdetermined aspects of the movie, maintaining a symmetrical, smoothed-out look for the film so that the story does not get sidelined.
Singham Franchise’s Focus And Dynamics
There is truth in the statement that Rohit Shetty not casting Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone in Singham Again proves his dedication to keeping ‘Singham’ films single-minded and frat-dependent.
Unlike many action franchises, the series has always focused on the female protagonist who is self-sufficient and gets the film’s plot without relying on the central pair. Shetty also felt that in case he cast the power couple they would overshadow the story, the actors and other characters were well-designed.
It was good of Shetty to remain in his director’s chair while letting his stars shine in their separate zones, shaping up the overall narrative and action without allowing the vanity factor to come again in the way. This decision proves the director’s commitment to staying true to the tone and feel of ‘the Singham series’ and making every part of the movie accountable to the story. And the larger-than-life characters that the series brings on screen by keeping the identity of the series intact.